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Sove is, according to legends, son of Hemdall and Heulyn who founded Clan Brokvar based on Spikeroog in Svorlag. Hero took as his wife the lovely yet extremely quarrelsome Ulula. He tried countless ways to tame her, but no matter what lengths he went to, he could not get along with her.[1]

Finally he sailed to Hindarsfjall to meditate in the sacred grove Hindar. Father and Freya took pity on him and gave him the formula for a potion that would grant him Understanding. They also instructed him to take a new approach, do something he had never done before, to resolve his conflicts with his wife. In order to gather the required ingredients, Sove had to kill chimera,[2] climb the highest mountain in the isles and dive into the deepest undersea chasm. Then he prepared the potion, quaffed it and, searching for another approach to the conflict, began meditating while hanging from the treeIrminsulby one leg. In this manner he achieved enlightenment, and returned to Spikeroog to live with Ulula in peace and harmony to the end of their days.



  1. Heroes of Skellige: Sove
  2. Map description of Svorlag