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This potion is required for Dethmold's ritual. The formula can be purchased from Master Myron in the Kaedweni camp in Chapter II.

Whilst Myron doesn't sell the complete formula, you can buy all the ingredients necessary from him as below: Rebis - caladine Vermilion - wolfsbane Caelium - Bryonia Sol - Verbena Aether - troll tongue

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Journal Entry

Gadwall helps a witcher's mutated body regenerate much faster than usual. No wonder witchers often consume it when preparing to fight especially powerful beasts. Gadwall is a stronger version of the Swallow potion. As Gadwall courses through the veins, however, it burdens a witcher's body, causing him to deal less damage and lose Vigor at an accelerated rate. These side effects can be reduced by drinking the Rook and Tawny Owl potions.
Potion significantly increases Toxicity when imbibed.
Gadwall is recommended before long fights. Its slow but constant regeneration of Vitality provides its user with an advantage over opponents..